The Turkish team conducted their dissemination activity at Şehit Sedat Pelit Anatolian High School, where they presented on Erasmus projects and shared experiences from their Bulgaria mobility. The presentation provided detailed insights into these topics, particularly engaging final-year high school students and enhancing their interest in participating in future Erasmus...
Read MoreDissemination activity by dutch team part of Ye “Youth 4 Solidarity”
Ujjwal, a member of the Dutch team, presented about Erasmus programs at the University of Twente’s Vrijhof Library on November 28, 2023. Addressing fellow students, he detailed the role and opportunities of each program, providing resources for further information. The presentation, particularly relevant to undergraduates, sparked discussions about the programs’...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Slovak team part of Ye “Youth 4 Solidarity”
On November 30th, the Slovak team held their dissemination at Gymnasium Golianova 68, Nitra, presenting the YE Youth for Solidarity project to their classmates, especially IV.AJ, which many team members are part of. They showcased a presentation about their time in Bansko, detailing the daily schedule and activities, enhancing understanding...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Romanian team part of Ye “Youth 4 Solidarity”
Victor and Mara, near a charming riverside amphitheatre in Galati, shared their Erasmus+ project experiences with Victor’s friends, who are keen on joining future projects. They detailed the activities in Bansko, the extraordinary people they encountered, the unforgettable moments, and the insights gained, sparking interest in upcoming Erasmus+ opportunities.
Read MoreDissemination activity by Bulgarian team part of Ye “Youth 4 Solidarity”
On December 5th, we conducted a dissemination session at PGIT “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov” school for tenth-grade students. We presented a self-created presentation about our experiences during the project, including what we learned, the educational methods we engaged in, and the various opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ programme. This event...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Romanian team part of Ye “Steps 4 Human rights protection”
We are thrilled to announce that a group of passionate students from Galati, Romania, recently had the incredible opportunity to present their enriching experience at the youth exchange program “Steps 4 Human Rights Protection” in their school. The event took place at [School Name] and brought together students from different...
Read MoreFINAL article about Youth exchange ” Sustainable Developement by young people ”
Sustainable Developement by young people youth exchanges had the focus is to raise awareness on sustainability issues and zero waste philosophy and stimulate sustainable behavior among youth. We as young people realized we young people need to become aware that our actions matter and it is not job of institutions or government or companies...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Turkish team part of YE “C4HR”
As a follow-up activity from a recent youth exchange program, a Zoom meeting was held with young people to discuss the results of the project and its impact. The meeting was aimed at gathering feedback and suggestions for future improvements, as well as encouraging participants to stay engaged with the...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Romanian team part of YE “C4HR”
The Romanian participants of the youth exchange program “Creativity 4 Human Rights” conducted a series of activities aimed at promoting the project’s outcomes. They succeeded in bringing together other young individuals and showcasing the key concepts of the youth exchange. They presented photos, results, and discussed the significance of the...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Spanish team part of Ye “Steps 4 Human rights protection”
Spanish team recently had the honor of presenting their remarkable journey and experiences from the youth exchange program “Steps 4 Human Rights Protection.” They had the opportunity to engage with their university community and friends, igniting inspiration and fostering discussions about human rights. The presentation in university where the team...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Greek team part of YE “C4HR”
After the youth exchange Creativity 4 Human rights the participants from Greece implemented dissemination activity with local people where they shared their experience. Also the participants from Greece concluded that: Our participation in this project was truly remarkable and memorable. One of the highlights was meeting new people, both from...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Greek team part of Ye “Steps 4 Human rights protection”
As the Greek team, we were determined to share the invaluable lessons we learned during this incredible project with the new generation—the very individuals who shape the future. And what better place to do so than the prestigious Law School of Athens at Kapodistrian University? On November 30th, we gathered...
Read MoreDissemination activity by Turkish team part of Ye “Steps 4 Human rights protection”
Turkish team recently embarked on a powerful dissemination activity, engaging with high school students on the vital topic of Human Rights. This initiative aimed to raise awareness, inspire conversations, and foster a deeper understanding of the significance of human rights in our daily lives. The team conducted an interactive session...
Read MorePersonal experience by participants of ye ”C4HR”
Education isn’t solely limited to school, as there are various ways to learn. What is an important learning experience you’ve had that wasn’t in school? Why was it significant to you? For me, participating in Erasmus plus youth exchanges has been an essential learning experience. These exchanges allow for cultural...
Read MoreCIBERBULLYNG by young people part of YE “C4HR”
Cyberbullying has been an issue since the emergence of social media. It involves using electronic devices to intimidate, threaten, or bully others. Unlike in-person bullying, cyberbullying offers a few unique features. For one, it allows bullies to remain anonymous, resulting in harsher and longer-lasting torment. It is also often more...
Read MoreHATE SPEECH by participants in YE “C4HR”
There is so many ways to express hate speech. For instance, for me hate speech means verbally abusing people based on various specific characteristics such as race, sexual orientation or disabilities. In my opinion, there is still a lot of work to do and we need to educate people and...
Read MoreRole of Young People Protecting & Promoting Human Rights
Hate speech refers to speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a specific group based on their race, religion, or sexual orientation. Growing up in a conservative and unwelcoming country has made me reflect on the issue and wonder if it can be addressed. Unfortunately, we often underestimate the power...
Read Moregraffiti as way to protect human rights
Expressing creativity through graffiti is a powerful way to showcase art and create a lasting impact on the people who see it. Many artists use their art to raise awareness about human rights issues, but unfortunately, graffiti is often dismissed as vandalism rather than an art form. Despite this, those...
Read MoreUnderstanding on Human rights by participants of YE ”C4HR”
Human rights refer to moral principles and norms that establish certain standards of behavior for all humans, regardless of age, ethnicity, location, religion, or other status. They are considered fundamental and inalienable rights that are inherent in all individuals. These rights are protected by both national and international laws and...
Read MoreDissemination by Portugeese participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People”
The portugeese team part of project Sustainable developement by young people implemented follow up activity after the youth exchange with group of young people on the topic Sustainability. They have created several workshops with the youngsters and finished the meeting with discussion.
Read MoreDissemination by Italian participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People”
The Italian team part of youth exchange Sustainable developement by young people implemented dissemination activity online with youngsters from Italy. The topics of the activity were: •Presentation of the hosts to the guests;•Youth Exchange (What is it, how does it work, how to apply);•Topic of our project in Bansko, sustainability...
Read MoreDissemination by Dutch participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People”
Hereby, I present to you the dissemination part of the Dutch team. We had planned on getting together earlier, but due to personal circumstances, we had to move it to a later date. Luckily, the plan was settled, and we decided to use the poster we made as our baseline...
Read MoreDissemination by Bulgarian participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People”
On 12.09.2022 on an Erasmus+ YE “Online citizens” in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria participants from the Bulgarian national group of the YE “Sustainable Development by Young People” delivered a dissemination lecture on the topic of recycling. The audience was keen to find out more about the 6 R’s of Sustainability and...
Read MoreDissemination by Romanian participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People”
In perriod of 17-21 August 2022 the Romanian team part of the youth exchange gathered 34 youth for workshops of “how to be more ecoSustainble “. The method was open space using several type of method. The main idea was to made them more opening in what happen around them...
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