
Dissemination activity by Greek team part of YE “C4HR”

After the youth exchange Creativity 4 Human rights the participants from Greece implemented dissemination activity with local people where they shared their experience. Also the participants from Greece concluded that: Our participation in this project was truly remarkable and memorable. One of the highlights was meeting new people, both from our own country and from […]

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Dissemination activity by Greek team part of Ye “Steps 4 Human rights protection”

As the Greek team, we were determined to share the invaluable lessons we learned during this incredible project with the new generation—the very individuals who shape the future. And what better place to do so than the prestigious Law School of Athens at Kapodistrian University? On November 30th, we gathered at the Law School and

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Dissemination activity by Turkish team part of Ye “Steps 4 Human rights protection”

Turkish team recently embarked on a powerful dissemination activity, engaging with high school students on the vital topic of Human Rights. This initiative aimed to raise awareness, inspire conversations, and foster a deeper understanding of the significance of human rights in our daily lives. The team conducted an interactive session at [High School Name], where

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Personal experience by participants of ye ”C4HR”

Education isn’t solely limited to school, as there are various ways to learn. What is an important learning experience you’ve had that wasn’t in school? Why was it significant to you? For me, participating in Erasmus plus youth exchanges has been an essential learning experience. These exchanges allow for cultural exchange, sharing experiences, and participating

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CIBERBULLYNG by young people part of YE “C4HR”

Cyberbullying has been an issue since the emergence of social media. It involves using electronic devices to intimidate, threaten, or bully others. Unlike in-person bullying, cyberbullying offers a few unique features. For one, it allows bullies to remain anonymous, resulting in harsher and longer-lasting torment. It is also often more public than traditional bullying, as

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Understanding on Human rights by participants of YE ”C4HR”

Human rights refer to moral principles and norms that establish certain standards of behavior for all humans, regardless of age, ethnicity, location, religion, or other status. They are considered fundamental and inalienable rights that are inherent in all individuals. These rights are protected by both national and international laws and are universally applicable. They require

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Dissemination by Portugeese participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People”

The portugeese team part of project Sustainable developement by young people implemented follow up activity after the youth exchange with group of young people on the topic Sustainability. They have created several workshops with the youngsters and finished the meeting with discussion.

Dissemination by Portugeese participants part of Ye “Sustainable Development by Young People” Read More »