FINAL article about Youth exchange ” Sustainable Developement by young people ” 

Sustainable Developement by young people youth exchanges had the  focus is to raise awareness on sustainability issues and zero waste philosophy and stimulate sustainable behavior among youth. We as young people realized we young people need to become aware that our actions matter and it is not job of institutions or government or companies to take care of the environment but each and everyone of us needs to be aware and have responsible behavior.

The main project objectives are related to

-raising awareness among youth about environmental challenges in relation to food waste, pollution, climate change but also the role of each individual trough one’s daily choices 

-promote understanding and awareness of zero waste concept while encouraging individual responsible behavior towards sustainability and environmental protection

-provide understanding of role of civil society and youth in particular in environmental sustainability and encourage social activism

The youth exchange included young people from The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal and Romania and it was implemented in Bansko, Bulgaria from 6th till 15th of August 2022.

The participants learned about various sustainability concepts, such as the circular economy, carbon footprint, and sustainable consumption. They also gained practical skills, such as composting, upcycling, and waste reduction. The exchange encouraged participants to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, and many of them committed to reducing their waste production and changing their consumption habits.

The exchange had a significant impact on the participants’ attitudes towards sustainability. They became more aware of the environmental challenges facing the world and the role they can play in addressing them. They also became more conscious of their own impact on the environment and the need to reduce it. As a result, many participants have become ambassadors of sustainability, spreading their knowledge and inspiring others to adopt sustainable practices.

Through the project activities, participants also developed environmental self-awareness and an understanding of the impact of waste on the environment. They were encouraged to make more sustainable choices and attitudes when making purchasing decisions and to become more aware of the amount of waste generated.

During the mobility the participants became inspired and created some amazing project outcomes to share their experience, knowledge, competences and understandings acquired during the project.

Have a look at their guide and videos:

Short video message by participants of SDBYP:

The Sustainable Developement by young people youth exchange was financed by Erasmus+ program of the European Commission through the Dutch National Agency.